Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pirates and Ninjas

What do these two things have in common? They have both overstayed their comedic welcome. If I have to hear one more hack joke about pirates or ninjas I am going to kill myself. Both were funny for about 1 joke. Talk like a Pirate Day is not funny it is dumb, unless you are talking in a Nigerian accent holding an RPG in a British guys face. Ninja jokes have all already been done also, so don't even try. Ok well that is all I have on that right now, but this is something that has annoyed me for like 2 years now. 


anicid said...

oddly enough, i'm listening to the pirates of the caribbean soundtrack AS WE SPEAK

theomegachrist said...

Is that even a soundtrack people would listen to??

There is something weird about your office.

Afif said...

Robots and dinosaurs are on a similar but not quite as shitty level.

theomegachrist said...

I was going to actually make a follow up blog about robots and zombies and how they escaped the fate of being completely awful. I agree though, they are still mostly awful but there is the potential to be kind of funny still.