Friday, October 31, 2008

It is great to be a fan of a terrible sports franchise

I received an offer last week to see a bunch of Knicks games for $10 each from the Knicks. I thought that was a pretty insane deal at the time, but today I received a new offer for a game Wednesday I am already going to. Now, rather than pay $10 for tickets, you can pay $20.08 and get a ticket to the game, a food voucher (hot dogs, soda, and chips) and a Donnie Walsh/Mike D'Antoni T-shirt!!!

First off, you have to love the price, how clever. Secondly, who the hell wants to wear a T-shirt with a Coach or GM's name on it. Were their Jeff Van Gundy or Isaiah T-shirts? I don't remember them. What is going on with this organization. Hopefully Walsh, and D'antoni can turn things around, but upper management can never be exciting enough to make it's way onto a T-shirt. 

On a side note if this doesn't pan out they should make Herb Williams Coach, but require him to only wear track suits all the time. For some reason that mental image makes me laugh. 

Hacky Halloween Costumes 2008

My first blog Post ever is an idea stolen from my good friend Ryan, since that is what I do best: 

More hacky costume for 2008...

Heath Ledger Joker 


Sarah Palin

I have not seen any yet today, but I am sure I will.